Monday, 6 August 2012

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Squares from Erymna

                                      Altınbeşik Cave

Photos of ancient ruins Erymna

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About of Ormana

The Forest District, Central Taurus, Antalya İbradı a historic district and a residential area very large. Eynif northwest plain, plain Gembos the north, west and Montenegro, in the north of Willow Mountain, surrounded by mountains in the east cheekbones. There are two Eynif willow and Plateau. Ormana's altitude of 850 meters, 1420 meters in Montenegro. Kayagil, Upper District, the hill, and consists of four quarters, including Central neighborhood. The vegetation is pine tar, spruce, juniper, oak and elm species of plants occurs.

Until recently, five mosques, two mosques, a madrasa, and there is the shrine. Of these three mosques and a shrine renovated for worship as well maintained and is open to visitors today. Sheikh Abdurrahman Hadimi in the 1830s, the madrasa readed. course for years. A lover of God we know as dervish lying in the tomb of Sultan despicable XVII. Ormana'da century lived. 

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